Wednesday 30 May 2012

What makes Title Fight Good?

Now if you read my post earlier (found here if you didn't) you will be confused into the reasons for me talking about Title Fight instead of Saves The Day. So to explain I've been listening to Title Fight all day so I just thought it was right. Anyway...

Title Fight are an awesome punk band from Kingston, PA. In my eyes they have a perfect mix of punk and dare I say it? "Hardcore". Now when I say hardcore, I mean it loosely. They have that vibe in which you can only find at a hardcore show. A vibe that makes you want to crowd surf like a sweaty, jobless version of Kelly Slater. Also the band themselves are into hardcore which also helps (search YouTube for Bad Seed for examples).

Reason Number 1 for Title Fight being awesome is that their last album, Shed. This is probably in my top 5 if not top 10 albums ever. It is everything a punk album should be - Short, to the point and a kick in the teeth. It has the catchy guitar that we have all come to know and love in Title Fight it has the speed of four hundred horses and more importantly it has the sing along's. Every song could be sung along to by a school choir if you lost the instruments (unless you went to Gene Simmons 'muthafucking' Rock School or have Mr.Shneebly as a temp teacher for a week). If you haven't heard this album yet I thoroughly recommend it to anyone with an interest in any sort of punk.

Another thing that makes Title Fight good is their notoriously crazy live shows. You can't really describe the atmosphere or events of a Title Fight gig unless you have witnessed the organised chaos for your self. As you would expect there is the usual antics you would expect at a hardcore or punk show but there is a huge difference as well. There is something in the atmosphere at a Title Fight gig that you don't feel at any other gig. For the brief hour they play you gain a unique bond with everyone around you. Everyone's there to have fun, have a few beers (if that's your thing) and chill out with their mates. And in my eyes this is what makes Title Fight so good, it is feel good, friend making music, where instead of being judged on what band t-shirt you are wearing or how tight your jeans are you are sharing the love of the same band with everyone there. This fun aspect is what is lacking in the punk and hardcore community I feel people are going to these gigs for the wrong reason. Instead of going for to show support to the band and have a good time, they are there for a new Facebook display picture or increase their followers on Tumblr.

If you get a chance to see Title Fight you should definitely go and see them. If not don't worry go and buy 'Shed' you won't regret it.


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