Tuesday 1 May 2012

ASG (Artist Series Guitars)

ASG or what I like to call them 'Get a Les Paul and Scribble a Logo On Guitars' (doesn't have the same ring to it I know but I'm working on it) are a company who are producing signature guitars for bands that will never be able to get a signature signature guitar from an actually recognized guitar manufacturer. Now for anyone that has never seen or even heard of these "unique" strand of guitars here are some pictures for you.

 Asking Alexandria Model:

Bring Me the Horizon model:

Within the Ruins (Heard of them? No, neither have I) Model:

The guitars are not the only source of annoyance as the website also has a nice little description about the guitar, here is an extract from one of the descriptions. (word for word I promise you this is what they said):

"When we were just kids, launching off home-made ramps with our Powell and Schmitt Stix skateboards, we were blasting Kill Em All and Blizzard of Oz. When we were practicing our pentatonics on our first guitar with our tiny Crate amps, we were watching the bones brigade shred the hell out of pool or watching Jamie Thomas ollie himself over a railing and down a two story drop."

What the fuck? Who would want to give these mugs any of their hard earned money they will only end up either shoving it up their nostrils or make a home-made ramp slightly too high and plummet to the center of the earth. 

You see brands like this is what making the "punk" industry so awful at the moment. It's just too tame, the message behind punk and hardcore is supposed to be about doing it your self. Don't have a local venue? Who cares have a gig in your mums bedroom. It's on the same level (or even worse) than these stupid varsity bands keep bringing out, sure it was cool when Glassjaw did it but that was about 10 years ago and no one else was doing it. It just seems to me that people have noticed that there is no money in buying music anymore so are just trying to create anything that might make some money. 

Anyway, if anyone wants to go and buy one of these guitars the links down below. I've also left a length of rope for you to hang your self with on your way out. 


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