Monday 30 April 2012

Joyce Manor - Of All Things I Soon Grow Tired

I'm going to start this blog with a review of one of the most refreshing records I have heard in a long long time. It's by an ever growing punk band Joyce Manor.

A few weeks back I'd never listened to this band, criminal I know, however I did have my reasons one was that Last 'fucking' FM kept recommending them to me and you see, I'm one stubborn asshole. Anyway I was strolling around the metaphorical playground of the internet and saw that Asian Man Records where bringing out the new Joyce Manor LP. I was intrigued, could it be? No I thought, surely not. Could they really be the same record label that brought out the first (and arguably best) Alkaline Trio record. The same record label that has also signed The Queers, Screeching Weasel and The Lawrence fucking Arms. Moments passed and sure enough it was true. This intrigued me, I had to buy it.

Sure enough a couple of minutes later I was listening to one of the best punk records that I have heard in a while. It is so close to perfection. The album starts with 'These Kind Of Ice Skates' an absolutely great song. But its not till the 2nd track "Comfortable Clothes" when you get really in to this record. From there it goes from strength to strength. Smashing out song after song after wait, what? Is that it? Wheres the rest of the songs...

You see the one flaw with this "album" is its length. Yes I know, I know its cool to have an album under 13 minutes blah blah blah but really. Come on. This is just silly. It's as if they got halfway through the writing process and just gave up half way through. They just couldn't think of anything else to write. I mean they must of really been clutching at straws as they threw in a cover of "Video Killed The Radio Star".

Putting the lack of songs and duration aside this album is still fucking great. It really is a fresh sound in a genre that is getting overly populated by bands singing Justin Bieber songs in Dropped D. It really is a step in the right direction. This review, if you can call it that, is really not supposed to be negative. I do genuinely love this album but I just feel like I have been cheated out of my £6.99 or whatever the fuck it is now to download an album. I feel that instead of this being a short album, it should of been a perfect E.P.

Anyway, you should definitely check this out because it is a great release.


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