Tuesday 6 November 2012

Arena's suck ass and this is WHY WHY Y!

Recently I went to the local cinema to see 2 hours of Daniel Craig smash the shit out of various landmarks throughout the U.K and it FUCKING ROCKED! The film was awesome but there was one thing that was ruining the film for me through the hole god damn thing and that was the fucking audience. If you haven't realized by now everyone in the world is a dick apart from your friends and even they are dicks 95% of the time (maybe that's just me). Everyone else sucking means that in turn cinemas suck because you're surrounded by people chewing on pop corn, rustling sweet packets, sneezing, coughing, laughing, crying, screaming and anything else that takes your attention of the film. This, for me, ruins the film.

I will give you an example in how it ruins the film, for people that haven't seen the new Bond film (stop reading this and watch it) there is a part of the film that is supposed to be harrowing, sad and make you want to rip your heart out of your chest and throw it at Daniel Craig's beautiful face...Ignore that last bit... anyway this hole sadness emotion that some people (losers and gay lord's) feel is COMPLETELY ruined by the fat sweaty dude next to you crunching his fucking popcorn and the lame ass guy in front of you coughing uncontrollably.

Half way through this 2 hour ordeal I realized this is EVERYTHING that is wrong with huge gigs that take part throughout the world everyday. The band you're seeing maybe the best band in the world but everyone around you...well... they are most certainly not the best band in the world, they cant sing, they are ugly and they are always taller then you so you can't see. Every time I go to a big arena show I cant help thinking "This would be perfect if there was 3000 less people". You see at a smaller gig there are no barriers, people are way more friendly and the band always sound 100% better.

I know its cliche to say but you should be "supporting your local venue" that doesn't mean putting the venues logo as your Facebook picture or constantly spamming your online companions with the latest gigs at the venue. It means go to more shows, take your friends, drink some beer, have some fun, sing some songs, kiss some girls, wake up in the morning with a hangover and do it all again the following week/month/day. If more people do this it means that bigger acts will WANT to come to your local venue not just because its in between where they want to get to! Hey, you never know, you may enjoy it in the process.

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